Why Uzbek Honey?

The advantages of the produced honey in  Uzbeksitan


1.Humidity meets international requirements.

2.Diastase numerical indicators meet and exceed the international quality standards set for honey.

3.A most number of sunny days effect on the melliferous plants growth, which, effect on the chemical composition of the honey, which causes to the presence of large amounts of micro-nutrients and macro-nutrients.

The bee garden and fields are located the foothills, mountains and steppe regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. At these locations, such as; May, Prairie (Okkuray), Mountain and Cotton Honey (located in the territories: Zamin district of Jizakh region, mountainous areas of Kuraminsky Ridge, Chatkal nature reserve, the beginning of the Kyzylkum desert and the Mirzachul district).  where the most high-quality, useful and ecological pure varieties of honey are collected. Since in these areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan there is a major part of the medicinal plants, which are used by modern and traditional medicine.

Advantages of buying honey from U-Z BEK HONEY


Long experience and specific expertise in beekeeping, which guarantees the excellent quality of the products sold.

Great choice, including almost all existing honey varieties on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Among them: mountain, sunflower, cotton, ginger, amber, etc.

Careful selection of honey at the stage of honey collection at the places of his stay. At the same time, special paying attention to the organoleptic characteristics of honey, including safety, product maturity, pollen saturation and consistency.

Availability of certificates, veterinary certificates and certificates of quality, documenting the full compliance of the honey to all quality standards in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Prices on the wholesale market of honey are real, while being optimal in relation to quality.

* For more information please feel free to contact us.


Macro and micro elements contained in honey, which produced in Uzbekistan

Al – Aluminum; Be – Beryllium; B – Boron; Ba – Barium; Ge – Germanium;

Ga – Gallium; Fe – Iron; Au – Gold; K – Potassium; Ca – Calcium;

Li – Lithium; Mg – Magnesium; Сu – Copper; Zn – Zinc; Сr – Chromium; P – Phosphorus.



The advantages of U-Z BEK HONEY bee farm:

– Quality, safety and uniqueness of products;

– Long-term presence in the market;

– Stability, own bee apiary;

– The invariable guaranteed quality of production;

– Flexible pricing policy, progressive system of discounts;

– Individual approach to each client;

– The special value of products under the brand